50 Winners of 1 COIN Steamkeybox
50 Winners of 1 COIN Steamkeybox
Time left :
-- days -- hours -- minutes -- seconds
Ticket Buy Price: 2000 Points
Ticket Refund Price: 2000 Points
Total User Participation: 3
Total Ticket Sold: 3
Winning Chances per Ticket: 333.333‰
Your current balance:
Please login to play this lottery.
Draw |
Date |
Winners |
#3 |
Julho 8, 2019 3:20 pm |
- No winner for this draw
About SteamKeyBox.com
SteamKeyBox.com is truly the future of the Allkeyshop Reward Program. This website lets you spin your very own customized Wheel with games you pick out yourself as prizes!
Here’s how it works:
With your Coins, you will be able to choose a game which you can put in the wheel slot that corresponds to the game’s tier (the price of the game
equals the price of wheel).
You can place seven (7) games of your own choosing. Simply click on a slot on the wheel, and you will be directed to a pop-up menu that has a list of games you can choose according to the tier you selected.
The eighth slot on the wheel (30¢) is solely for Premium Games. The games you can place on this slot must be more than the cost of the tier which is 30¢. Take note, though, that a huge gap between the game’s price, and the tier of the wheel will lower your chances of winning.
Once done placing the games you like, simply spin the wheel by clicking on the PLAY BUTTON found at the center of the wheel, and you’ll instantly get your key!
Read the Game Rules to get full information on SteamKeyBox.com.